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소프트웨어 테스트 케이스 생성 방법

by kjy1010 2023. 12. 6.

테스트 케이스를 계획하고 개발하는 과정에서 테스트 레벨에 따라 여러 테스트 기법 및 여러 테스트 설계 기법이

동시에 적용되는 경우가 많습니다.

  • Test Level - 여러 테스트 타입 - 테스트 설계 기법

각각의 소프트웨어 테스트 방법에 따른 소프트웨어 테스트 케이스 생성 방법에 대해 상세하게 알아보겠습니다.


Unit Testing

CTG. descriptions A B C D Ref.
Method 1a Requirements-based test ++ ++ ++ ++ Table 10
1b interface test ++ ++ ++ ++
1c fault injection test + + + ++
1d resource usage test + + + ++
1e back-to-back comparison test between model and code + + ++ ++
TC Tech. 1a analysis of requirements ++ ++ ++ ++ Table 11
1b generation and analysis of equivalence classes + ++ ++ ++
1c analysis of boundary values + ++ ++ ++
1d Error guessing + + + +
Cover_avg 1a statement coverage ++ ++ + + Table 12
1b Branch coverage + ++ ++ ++
1c MC / DC + + + ++


Integration Testing

CTG. descriptions A B C D Ref.
Method 1a Requirements-based test ++ ++ ++ ++ Table 13
1b interface test ++ ++ ++ ++
1c fault injection test + + ++ ++
1d resource usage test + + + ++
1e back-to-back comparison test between model and code + + ++ ++
TC Tech. 1a analysis of requirements ++ ++ ++ ++ Table 14
1b generation and analysis of equivalence classes + ++ ++ ++
1c analysis of boundary values + ++ ++ ++
1d Error guessing + + + +
Cover_avg 1a function coverage + + ++ ++ Table 15
1b call coverage + + ++ ++


Test of Embedded Testing

CTG. descriptions A B C D Ref.
Method Not specific
TC Tech. 1a Analysis of requirements ++ ++ ++ ++ Table 16
1b Generation and analysis of equivalence calsses + ++ ++ ++
1c Analysis of boundary values + + ++ ++
1d Error guessing based on knoowledge or experience + + ++ ++
1e Analysis of functional dependencies + + ++ ++
1f Analysis of operational use cases + ++ ++ ++
1g Fault injection test + + + ++


HW - SW Integration Testing

CTG. descriptions A B C D Ref.
Method TSR 1a Requirments - based test ++ ++ ++ ++ Table 5
1b Fault injection test + ++ ++ ++
1c Back - to - back test + + ++ ++
SM 1a Back - to - back test + + ++ ++ Table 6
1b Performance test + ++ ++ ++
1c Resource usage test + + + ++
1d Stress test + + + ++
I/F 1a Test of external interfaces + ++ ++ ++ Table 7
1b Test of internal interfaces + ++ ++ ++
1c Interface consistency check + ++ ++ ++
DC 1a Fault injection test + + ++ ++ Table 8
1b Error guessing teest + + ++ ++
RB 1a Resource usage test + + + ++ Table 9
1b Stress test + + + ++
1a Analysis of requirements ++ ++ ++ ++ Table 4
1b Analysis of external and internal interfaces + ++ ++ ++
1c Generation and analysis of eq. classes for HW - SW integ. + + ++ ++
1d Analysis of boundary values + + ++ ++
1e Error guessing based on knowledge or experience + + ++ ++
1f Analysis of funtional dependencies + + ++ ++
1g Analysis of common limit cond. , seq. , and sources of DF + + ++ ++
1h Analysis of environ. conditions and operational use cases + ++ ++ ++
1i Analysis of field experience + ++ ++ ++

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